
MIGHT HAVE TO PEACEFUL IT!! | MCPE 0.12.0 BETA First Impressions And Bugs!! (마인크래프트 안드로이드 버전은)

2016-03-29 1 Dailymotion

In this video we have a first look at the Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.12.0 Update finally released in the beta/alpha builds, however you want to say it is, I am far too confused from here on now with the naming of these releases, as you may know there are many new additions such as The Nether, working Nether portals, Blazes, Wither Skeletons, Nether fortresses, Heads (no idea what they do), Sprinting, Sneaking, Hunger, Collectable experience, Revamped touch controls, Potions, brewing and the Brewing Stand, Enchants, enchanting and the Enchanting Table, Anvils and repairing, Rain and Snow, Flower pots, Snow accumulates in snowy biomes, Controller support and the controller mapping screen, Ocelots, Cross play with the Windows 10 Edition and the Windows 10 Edition release, New sounds, Golems, and a new AI for Villagers among many bug fixes and tweaks #BringBackDerpy.

► You can get the game here on these platforms:
Beta test group: https://plus.google.com/communities/110593898037462004457

Amazon: http://amzn.to/1ruxZiM
Android: http://bit.ly/MCPElatestAndroid
iOS: http://bit.ly/MCPElatestiOS
Windows Phone: http://bit.ly/MCPEWindowsPhone
Windows 10 Edition: http://bit.ly/MCWindows10Edition

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Video recorded and edited by myself; Shelton Smith (Tech Talk), standard YouTube license applies meaning reupload and redistribution is not allowed.
Outro Music "Scary monsters and nice sprites (8-Bit)" by Shelton Smith: http://https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXG7dl3PLAW3NXy0sn7KYtQ
This game is copyright of ... and all other material used belong to their respective owners and was used under fair use.
Most background music is Royalty-free music administered by: http://bit.ly.com/noCCsounds
Other music is the in-game music, which sounds pretty cool.

Update: 14/01/2016
Hey guys, I haven't had to write one of these out for a while however I thought I would like to write some words down for those of you who care and know that I write these updates at the bottom of the description, firstly I would like to address the quiet period; December, if I am correct, I didn't upload anything during December, I didn't catch enough of a work break to find time to record and edit and when I did find the time, I just wanted to rest because I am lazy when I have the opportunity.
Secondly I would like to say thank you to everyone who has stuck around and supported Tech Talk these 2 years on YouTube, as of the 12/01/2016 it was the 2nd year of Tech Talk on YouTube or if you was to count the first year of inactivity and one video you could say it is the 3rd year, over this past year we have achieved an increase of 173,935 in watch time, 119,786 views, 291 likes, 240 comments, 68 shares but however made a decrease in subscribers gained by 24 subscribers, bear in mind these figures are only the difference between 2014 and 2015, these numbers would be significantly higher if they were raw data for the entire year.
Overall regardless of any figures, thank you so much for sticking around, you guys are absolutely amazing!
